Employee benefits save people thousands of dollars every year, and yet nearly everyone treats open enrollment as an afterthought. The pandemic taught us that when it comes to insurance, it’s better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Think about how many people start crowdfunding goals to pay off emergency bills – your employee benefits should be doing that for you!
By following these three open enrollment tips, you’ll be that much closer to becoming pandemic-proof, protecting your family and money.
Know which benefits best suit your lifestyle.
Would it make sense for a family of five to buy a convertible as their only vehicle? Your lifestyle and life events affect which benefits can save you the most money. Parents with little athletes may want to enroll in Accident Insurance while someone who’s still paying off their loans would look into disability insurance. Insurance policies are not a one-size-fits-all situation, and they all have different ways they can save you money.
Ask for help.

It’s okay to ask for help every once in a while!
Your HR department knows exactly what to send you so you can learn more about your benefit offering. Chances are they’ve got flyers, videos, and emails that are easy to understand and ready to send your way. And you know, it can get a little lonely over in human resources. They’ll be glad you reached out!
We also have some pretty fun blogs about benefit education that you may want to check out here!
Save the date!
Being mindful and aware of when your open enrollment is can take a lot of the stress and anxiety away from preparing for it. We all could you an extra hand when it comes to remembering things. The easiest way to offload stress from your brain is to plug in reminders and meetings on your phone throughout the year! (There’s actually a theory that calendar reminders are a LOT more useful than to-do lists — check it out!)
Alright, now it’s time for you to become an open enrollment expert! If you have any questions, reach out to your broker or plan administrator today. If you have any questions you don’t feel like asking someone you know, you can always reach out to us! Tweet us @mgmbenefits on Twitter or Instagram and we’ll answer your questions.