Let us do the heavy lifting.
MGM Benefits will give you the tools to bring your relationship with your clients to the next level, regardless of your experience. Our decorated history allows us to use connections and resources that will help make your job easier.
Sales Support
Maximize the time you spend with your clients by letting our team of Sales Support experts handle your day-to-day insurance needs. We’ll work for you behind the scenes, assisting with the likes of:
Shopping plans & creating plan comparisons for your clients
Completing new product paperwork
Preparing & supplying annual enrollment materials
And more!
Benefit Administration
We work with several carriers to provide Third Party Administration (TPA) services.
It takes simplified communication, accuracy, and timeliness to ensure successful administration of group insurance plans. Our dedicated team of billing experts will act as a direct point of contact, assisting with the likes of billing reconciliation, premium remittance, verifying coverage for claims, and more!
Benefit Education
We know employees can get overwhelmed by benefit terms they don’t understand. Our marketing team is always at work finding new ways to communicate just how important it is to have comprehensive benefit coverage.
As a partnered broker, you can use our educational videos, infographics, flyers, emails, and more to showcase the importance of a certain benefit.
Benefit Technology
THEbenefitsHUB simplifies online enrollments for the employee, plan administrator and everyone in between. Our easy-to-use interface and built-in communication tools will eliminate paper, keep information secure, and may even increase participation.
MGM also offers BenefitSelect Exchange, a condensed version of THEbenefitsHUB designed specifically for small groups. BenefitSelect Exchange gives employers and brokers the freedom to build their own plans by setting coverage options, eligibility rules, and rates.
Ready to join forces? Want to find out more information on how we can help you? Get in touch with us by choosing one of the options below: